Saturday, August 22, 2009


Although some men, particularly athletes, might be asked to gain weight to enhance their physical performance, men typically do not find themselves in situations where there is a biological vulnerability to gaining weight. Hence, the tendency is that weight gain in men is a slower process. Forty-one percent of the men participating in a survey of Weight Watchers Online subscribers reported that they gained their weight slowly. The landscape of weight gain for men appears to be shifting, however, and the factor that separates the men from the boys is age. For guys who are part of or older than the baby boom generation, a weight gain related to smoking cessation is much more likely than it is for younger men.
Conversely, men in their twenties and thirties are significantly more likely than their elders to gain weight as a result of getting married, going away to college, starting a new job, and having children. When it comes to times in the life cycle when men gain weight, it appears that younger men have more in common with women than do older men. While there may be many reasons for that, such as fewer differences in the way gender roles are now defined by society, the news is not good for today’s young men insofar as weight is concerned.With the rates of overweight and obesity among men on the rise, it’s not good that they are putting on the pounds at a younger age than their fathers did.


Most women know that having a baby (or two or three or more) puts her in a weight-precarious situation.Women at a healthy weight are encouraged to gain about 25 pounds over the course of a pregnancy. Those who go into a pregnancy overweight are encouraged to gain a bit less, 15 to 25 pounds. While gaining the weight usually isn’t difficult for most women (and exceeding the recommended weight gain is not uncommon), taking off the excess weight once the baby is born can be a challenge. It’s hard for some women even to remember what they looked like or felt like before getting pregnant.
This is even truer if there are multiple babies over a few years, in which case the likelihood of returning to the pre-baby weight and shape doesn’t occur before a new one is on the way. In addition, the demands of the new baby often leave moms with little time or energy to put effort into their daily eating and exercise routines. Not surprisingly, many overweight women report that having a baby or babies and not taking off all the extra weight they gained while pregnant is one of the key factors leading to an ongoing battle with their weight.
After the baby years,women eventually face another challenge that for many is weight-related: menopause. While the typical weight gain at this time of life is 5 to 7 pounds, larger gains are not uncommon. In addition, the hormonal changes that come with menopause cause a change in body shape, with weight accumulating around the waist rather than on the hips and thighs. All of those changes can take a toll on a woman’s good humor, leading to negative feelings and overeating in response.
A study by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that middle-aged women who reported high levels of symptoms indicative of depression and anxiety were more likely to experience greater amounts of weight gain.

Where Did the Weight Come From?

There is no denying that both women and men gain weight as the years pass. The average weight gain for adult men is 1.7 pounds per year and for women, 1.4 pounds. More than half say that they’ve gained at least 20 pounds since reaching adulthood. And the trend seems to be worsening.
Among adults between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four, the average weight gain per year is 2.7 pounds for men and 2.2 pounds for women. In a survey of overweight men and women conducted for Weight Watchers, women reported actively working at weight management for a longer period of time than their male counterparts. While part of that difference can undoubtedly be attributed to women’s earlier awareness of the excess weight and a quicker decision to take action, the age at which a substantial amount of weight was gained also seems to have played a role. In the survey, 56 percent of the women reported becoming overweight in their twenties. Only 43 percent of the men in the survey said that their twenties was their decade of substantial weight gain. The women in the survey also reported gaining their weight in a shorter period of time compared with the men.
When it comes to life events that trigger a substantial weight gain, the sexes are both similar and different. In another Weight Watchers study, overweight men and women were asked to describe life events that lead to weight gain. In equal numbers, the women and the men linked quitting smoking, going to college, starting a new job, getting married, and getting divorced to weight gain.
Men were much more likely than women to associate a gain in weight with a slowdown (or stop) in exercise, as well as with an illness or injury. Three times more women than men, however, linked the death of a family member to a weight gain. Although it is not surprising that 46 percent of women cited having children as a life event that led to weight gain, it may be surprising to note that 6 percent of men did, too. Finally, menopause was cited as a major time of weight gain for women.

Why overweighted Guys Lose Weight Faster

Couples like Irene and Brian who have decided to lose weight at the same time have probably noticed that the man usually loses more weight and at a faster pace than the woman. What’s going on? The truth is that men do have a physical edge over women in terms of weight loss their body composition enables them to lose more weight than a woman of the same weight. But women have an edge over men in other critical areas of weight management: women tend to be more attentive to what’s going on with their weight and are better able to make the connection between food and emotions. This article examines why men and women not only talk about the issue of excess weight differently but why they experience it differently as well.

Lose weight understand all the details

A key decision that both men and women face after making a commitment to lose weight is the approach a structured eating plan, an exercise regimen.
Many women have a tendency to be bottom-up thinkers, which means that they want to understand all the details about a weight-loss plan before getting started that way they can put all the pieces together and see the bigger picture. Men, however, are more likely to be top-down thinkers and prefer to view the big picture first and be briefed on the details later. In other words, when selecting a weight-loss program, women are more likely to want to know the whole story and read the full report, whereas men want to begin with the summary. Why do most women opt to know all the details before undertaking a weight-loss effort?
Part of the answer may lie in the fact that the typical woman has a fair amount of weight-loss experience. Because she’s already tried a variety of approaches, a woman may have a greater desire to know the nitty-gritty nuances of a weight-loss method. Armed with that knowledge, she will feel better informed and more confident about making the right choice. Among the details women are interested in are how many calories the weight-loss plan allows, how much and how quickly weight will be lost, whether specific foods must be eaten or avoided, and whether the eating plan or the exercise plan will have any adverse effects on the body (diarrhea, constipation, low blood sugar, sore muscles, and so on). If a weightloss plan meets with a woman’s approval, she will proceed with caution. Only after a woman has experienced some success will she be willing to let go some of the details; at that point she trusts that what she is doing is working.
The level of detail that most women seek before starting a weightloss plan can be a turnoff for many men.That’s because once guys have made the decision to lose weight, they want to get started and all they need are the basics; theirs is a “just tell me what to do”approach. In a Weight Watchers study looking at approaches to weight loss, 79 percent of the men surveyed said that they simply wanted practical weight-loss information (“just give me the facts”). However, as men begin to follow a weight-loss plan and are successful at losing weight, their interest in knowing more of the details is piqued. The following breakfast conversation illustrates how a woman and a man on a structured eating plan might communicate using their details versus facts perspectives.
He says: “Breakfast I’m starved! Yes or no: Can I have eggs?”

She says: “Yes, you can have eggs. In fact, you can have them poached, hard-boiled, scrambled with fat-free milk, or fried with no more than one-half teaspoon of oil.”

He says: “I think I’ll make a poached egg.Would you like one? And by the way, can I have a piece of toast?”

She says: “No, thanks, on the egg. I think I’ll have a six-ounce carton of fat-free yogurt instead, so that I can get a start on my daily calcium recommendation. And yes, you can have toast, but it has to be whole wheat, and you can put one teaspoon of sugar-free jam on top.”

He says: “I am so glad you know all of this. It’s a lot of information to keep straight.

She says: “Don’t worry.You’ll get used to it.”

You probably noticed that the woman seemed to be totally into the plan, while the man seemed more hesitant because of all the details. Despite the fact that both men and women want to lose weight, they may need to use different approaches in order to meet with weightloss success. A woman may want to choose an approach that provides details about what, when, and how things should be done. Many men may be better off with an approach that focuses on fewer details while still getting the job done

How Couples Think and Feel about Their Weight

A study sponsored by Weight Watchers found that men and women who described themselves as overweight tended to differ in how often they thought about their weight and in their emotional reactions to those thoughts.
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The women in the study reported thinking about their weight more frequently than the men. When asked what events would trigger thoughts about their weight, the women identified a number of diverse things. For example,women closely linked weight and clothing, saying that getting dressed in the morning, getting undressed at night, and buying clothes made them think about their weight. In addition, the women said that they thought about their weight when they were in the public eye, such as when they attended celebrations of special events. Finally, experiences of physical discomfort (feeling tired or too hot, having feet that hurt or other aches and pains) or emotional distress (a low self-image, a lack of self-confidence, or depression) triggered thoughts about their weight.
When asked about their emotional responses to their thoughts about their weight, the women were more likely than the men to say that the thoughts elicited negative emotions like disgust or anxiety.
When asked the same series of questions, men identified fewer trigger times when they thought about weight.They shared with women the association with clothes, describing getting dressed, undressed, and shopping for clothes as times when they thought about their weight. Men also described linking weight to physical health, saying that experiencing physical limitations like being out of breath or feeling fatigued and being told by their doctor that they had a weightrelated medical condition made them think about their weight status. Interestingly, men did not link being out in public or times of emotional distress to thoughts about their weight. When asked to describe the emotional response to thoughts about their weight, the men were more likely to speak in terms of being “bothered,” whereas the women expressed deeper negative emotions.
This study shows another dimension of the gender weight gap. In addition to the differences in self-assessment regarding weight status, women and men differ in their reactions to the weight once the awareness is there. By thinking about their weight more often and having a stronger negative reaction to it, it follows that women are more likely than men to take action to lose weight. Conversely, the tendency of men to have less frequent thoughts about their weight and to react to those thoughts with milder feelings, such as annoyance or bother, helps us understand why many guys may place a lower priority on weight loss

Overweight differences between man and women

Since weight is often thought of as a woman’s issue, most of us would be tempted to answer that question by saying women are. But there are actually more overweight men in the US than overweight women. According to the latest national statistics, 71 percent of adult men and 62 percent of adult women are overweight. When it comes to obesity, the news is different there are more obese women than obese men. The landscape when it comes to who’s more obese seems to be changing, however.
The rate among adult women is about 33 percent and has stayed relatively steady for several years. And although there are fewer obese men the current rate is 31 percent that number is on the rise. For example, in 1999 only 27.5 percent of men were obese. Men now make up one of the fastest-growing groups of weight gainers in our society (children are another).
Why are men more likely to be overweight than women? While several factors undoubtedly account for the difference, the gender gap when it comes to self-assessment may play an important role.Women are more likely than men to identify themselves as overweight, while men are more likely to remain unaware of the status of their weight.

You can not lose weight and keep it off

The sad reality is that you have about as great a chance of losing weight and keeping it off as you do of winning the lottery. This is just a simple fact of life. Everybody knows it. Every magazine article and television show on the topic gives the same facts: 95% of diets fail, and for those who do lose weight, it’s just about guaranteed that they’ll gain it all back.
When the media interviews experts who study weight loss for a living, they all say this is true. The results of weight-loss failure surround us. Everybody has coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family who have lost weightlots of itonly to gain it back within a relatively short period of time.
There are many reasons why sustained weight loss is impossible.
For some people, it is because they have a medical condition like a slow thyroid or a naturally slow metabolism. Another reason is that losing weight slows down the metabolism, forcing your body to regain the weight even though you’re eating less. Losing weight and keeping it off ? It’s just not possible! There are reports from credible sources that give some pretty negative statistics. In the 1950s, Dr. Albert J. Stunkard summarized his findings about weight-loss methods available at that time. The finding was that 95% of diets fail.
Likewise, an expert panel from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported in 1992 that people who completed a weightloss program could expect to regain about two-thirds of the loss after one year and virtually all their lost weight after five years. These two reports are widely used and reused in the media and in scientific circles. Another kernel of truth is that no single weight-loss method available today can help every overweight or obese person get down to an ideal weight and stay there forever.
This article shows that that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Every person needs a slightly different approach. It’s also true that weight loss means a lower metabolismthe number of calories burned in the course of daily living. A smaller body typically has less muscle on it, and this translates into a lower metabolism. In addition, restricting calories during the weight-loss process can cause metabolism to slow down a bit, especially if the restriction is extreme (for example, an 800-calorie-a-day diet).The effect isn’t enough to prevent weight loss, but it will slow down the rate of loss. And it’s also true that certain medical conditions and treatments can make weight loss more difficult.
A slow thyroid, called hypothyroidism, slows metabolism and calorie burning. Medications, such as steroids used to treat inflammatory diseases, several drugs used to treat anxiety, depression, and similar conditions, and some drugs used to treat diabetes, stimulate the appetite. For people taking these medications, it’s tough to stay committed to a weight-loss program because they are truly hungry. Finally, our environment works against sustained weight loss. We are surrounded by a lot of food that is filled with calories, tastes good, and is heavily advertised.We also live in an environment where modern technology has taken away a lot of our opportunities to burn calories.
We don’t even have to get up from the couch to change the channels on our televisions anymore.The combination of the twotoo much great-tasting food and too little activitycan make sustained weight loss a challenge.

Opposite Sex but Same BMI

Situation: My sister and I went in for physicals after our father died from a massive heart attack. The doctor told us that our BMIs were 28, which meant we were overweight. He encouraged us to lose weight because it would help us reduce our risk of heart disease and some other diseases, like diabetes. I am confused about the advice we were given.
I weigh 45 pounds more than my sister and look like an average guy. My sister definitely looks overweight. How can the doctor tell us that with respect to our weight, we’re the same and both of us need to lose weight? Strategies: The BMI calculation gets at the volume, or the amount of space a person takes up, and that, in turn, is linked to how much of that space is fat. The calculation uses both height and weight. So while you are taller and heavier than your sister, your BMIs can be the same. Because men typically weigh more than women and have less body fat, it seems intuitive that the BMI cutoffs should be different, and in fact most people would say that a woman with a BMI of 25 would look better if she lost a few pounds, while a man with a BMI of 25 looks thin.
The cutoffs used to link BMI and health risk do not take appearance into account, however. When scientists have looked at BMI and health risk in men and then at BMI and health risk in women, the similarities are striking. So from a health perspective, it doesn’t make sense to have different cutoffs. Your doctor is right. Your weight is putting you (and your sister) at an increased risk for heart disease. You’d be wise to take his advice and lose some weight. With your shared family history and shared desire to improve your heart health, perhaps you and your sister should work as a team at reaching a healthy body weight.

BMI and Waist Circumference: Know Both Numbers

Although BMI is the global standard for evaluating weight status, it does have limitations. While BMI is closely linked to total body fat, it does not provide any information about where the fat is located. And when it comes to weight and health, where fat is carried on the body is extremely important. Studies have found that excess fat stored at the waist or in the abdominal area places people at greater risk for certain health problems, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, even if their BMI is in the healthy range.
To help compensate for this limitation, experts recommend that waist circumference be included in the assessment of an individual’s weight–health risk. For example, there are men with broad shoulders and lean hips who, according to the BMI formula, are overweight. These men have little abdominal fat, however, and their health risk will be low as well. Similarly, there are women who carry their fat in their hips and thighs and have small waists. Same story. Factoring the individual’s waist circumference into the BMI equation gives a more accurate picture of health risk than does BMI alone.
How is waist circumference determined? There are a variety of methods out there, but the easiest and most common way involves placing a tape measure around the waist just above the hips while standing. Health risk increases when the waist circumference exceeds 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men. The bottom line for women and men: know your BMI and waistcircumference numbers. If they are too high, it’s time to take action and lose weight.
When it comes to gaining weight, most women know exactly where their extra pounds seem to end up in their rear, hips, and thighs. And several studies have confirmed women’s observations. But what many women don’t appreciate about their pear-shaped fat distribution is that it puts them at less of a health risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease compared with guys, who tend to store fat in their middle. However, studies have also found that after menopause,women appear to lose their disease-prevention advantage. That’s because hormonal shifts trigger the accumulation of more fat in the tummy area, making women more like men and predisposing them to the same health risks.
While most men are programmed by nature to have less fat than women, they also are programmed to gain weight in the biological danger zone their gut. Android fat, or apple-shaped fat, is more common in men than in women. Studies have concluded that fat that accumulates in the abdominal area is linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But there is good news for guys. Studies have also found that men can significantly reduce their health risk by losing weight.

The Difference between Healthy Weight and Attractive Weight

Society seems to have clear definitions about what the ideal woman and man look like, and those definitions translate into a body weight that supports that ideal. The fact, however, is that the ideal weight according to society’s definition of what is attractive is not necessarily healthy for most people. And surprisingly, the gap between attractive and healthy is often reversed for men and women. Today’s women often feel that they need to be extraordinarily thin. The icons of beauty that they are exposed to daily, such as top fashion models and Hollywood celebrities, tend to be underweight by medical standards. Conversely, men are likely to see their ideal body as big and broad, like that of a linebacker.The reality is that the body weights that support both the male and the female points of view are not particularly healthy.
And that is unfortunate because weight is inextricably linked to health. For health’s sake, it’s important that both women and men understand that the weight at which health is optimized has little to do with these extreme ideals. BMI (body mass index) is the globally accepted standard used to classify weight status. Generally, people fall into one of four categories based on their BMI: underweight, which is associated with some health risks; healthy, the range at which health risks are minimized; overweight, which corresponds to an increased risk of several diseases; and obese, the point at which health risks sharply rise as weight increases. You can calculate BMI by plugging your body weight and height into a BMI formula or by looking them up on a chart.
Scientists also use BMI to study the effects of weight and health. When researchers report their findings, they will generally state whether the weight and health connection was found at the overweight or obese level. For most studies, the risk of a negative health consequence increases as the individuals in the study go from being overweight to being obese. For most people, the BMI is a good indicator of the amount of body fat we have, and when it comes to weight and health, excess body fat is the crux of the problem.
One interesting fact is that the same BMI categories apply to both adult men and adult women. Why? Medical experts around the world have spent years evaluating the connection between weight and health. What they have learned is that as BMI increases above 25, so do health risks for certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. And the BMIs at which those illnesses show up are about the same in men and women. In other words, despite the fact that men are biologically programmed to have less body fat than women, research has found that the major weightrelated diseases that affect both men and women occur at about the same BMI men get those diseases with a lower body fat content than women.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet's requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between...

The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet’s requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between conflicting motivations, simultaneously needing certain foods and eating habits for a sense of well-being, and yet acutely aware of the harm this form of eating can do to her or his self-esteem, health, career, and social life. All in all, successful weight loss dieting may need the extra help provided by one of the most effective mental tools available, self hypnosis.
The self hypnosis diet is based on two types of ideas, suggested to the dieter during the hypnosis. First, once the person has carefully researched the weight loss diet to be followed, the specific diet requirements may be formed into suggestions and included in the self hypnosis. These ideas are crafted to reflect the precise needs of the diet, even mentioning certain foods and other particulars. A second type of hypnosis diet idea to be suggested is motivational. Motivational ideas may consist of the most powerful reasons for the person to remain on the diet, to make the diet a success. Again, these may be worded precisely, to suit the thinking of the person, although a skilled professional can prepare an effective “generic” weight loss recording, too.
Why is hypnosis so effective for dieting? Think of it like this: hypnosis can’t change the weather, but it can help you to use your umbrella, which will keep you nice and dry. Every diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., has a special set of rules to follow. Most of the reputable diets are designed by nutrition experts and usually based on pretty sound science. If the rules are followed, the weight comes off. The real task of the person dieting is not to re-invent the diet, it’s simply to stick with the diet and by following the rules, reap the benefits. Hypnosis is a fabulous tool to enhance any dieter’s ability to follow those all-important rules, no matter what the program may be.
A professionally prepared self hypnosis mp3, cd, or tape can be a life-long tool in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Often, weight loss dieters feel helpless and alone in their uphill climb. A good hypnosis recording is an oasis of personal pleasure and strength in this struggle. I urge you to let hypnosis be your secret dieting weapon!
About the author: The work of licensed mental health counselor Richard Blumenthal has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Learn About Natural Healthy Skin Care

Boy did I learn a valuable lesson. The steps necessary for natural healthy skin care are relatively easy and logical. One of the most important, especially for fair-skinned people, is to use caution when you are out in the sun.
We all love the great outdoors, but the sun and wind play havoc with our appearance. After it was learned that overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancer, over a dozen different sunscreens hit the market. Only a couple of them were ever tested for safety.
The SPF ratings are misleading. The number only indicates how much longer you can stay out in the sun without burning. If you normally burn in 10 minutes and the SPF rating is 20, you can stay out for 30 minutes. If you stay out longer, you need to reapply the sunscreen.
Some women’s makeup, moisturizers and cleansers contain sunscreens. There are even a few nighttime creams that contain them. What’s the point of that? There is none.
In all actuality, the regular use of sunscreen is not a part of natural healthy skin care. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and protective clothing is. Makeup containing a sunscreen would not be effective all day. So, again, what’s the point? There is none.
These are simply advertising gimmicks that the cosmetic companies have come up with to sell more products. Researchers have proven that there is a higher, not a lower, incidence of malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, among regular sunscreen users. The US FDA has made a statement about how sunscreens do not guarantee that your health is protected.
Research has shown that some of the sunscreens, particularly those that are derived from the cancer-causing benzene, do damage to cellular DNA that can mutate it into a cancer cell. Does any of this sound like natural healthy skin care?
If you are a woman and you want to wear makeup, look for one that contains minerals, like zinc oxide. It is actually one of the most effective sun blocks available. With broad spectrum action, it could really be beneficial.
Everyone needs a good cleanser, but avoid anything that contains ethylene oxide. Look for the ones that contain olive oil and other plant-based ingredients.
After cleansing or makeup removal, you need to use a moisturizer. A moisturizer is one of the most important parts of natural healthy skin care, regardless of your complexion type. Cleansers strip natural oils and can stimulate excess production of sebum. So, a moisturizer is good for oily and dry complexions. It just needs to contain the right ingredients.
The right ingredients are plant-based oils and extracts. Grape seed oil is excellent for daytime use. Avocado extract and Shea butter are a perfect combination for nighttime use. Every once in a while, use a deep cleansing mask that contains clay extracts and bentone gel, especially if you have a problem with oiliness.
You see. Natural healthy skin care isn’t hard and doesn’t require the use of lots of expensive product. You can get away with just a cleanser and a moisturizer, as long as you are careful about the ingredients.
You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily

Enhancing The Beauty Of Your Hair

To fix hair extensions in your hair there are number of ways. What type of extension you are getting is the first thing one should think about. Is your hair getting extended through a strand at a time or may be a weft attached to your hairs? A strand at time is also known as strand by strand which means choosing a strand of your hair and fixing a strand of the hair extension. A weft is actually a band of hair which stitched together, prepared to be taped or may be sewn on to the hair. The best and common means of fixing your hair are through bonding, clip-on, fusion and weaving.
Hair extensions are generally fixed so that one can wear different hairstyles. You are not restricted only for a single hairstyle. You may look as creative as you would like to. Just wear hair extensions for three to four months and your life style will totally be different.
And if you are really looking for hair extension supplies then there are many websites that offers it. In the beauty industry hair extensions are the hottest items which are now available in many different techniques and it may be very difficult to select a method that may be precise for you.
Many new ventures that usually offer hair extension services are released constantly and different specialists everyday trying to create new methods. Over the years number of new techniques has been successfully initiated to the beauty industry.
However few years’ back great length was the perfect market leader but with the improvement of nice hair extension techniques they have allocate with present market like FLhair, vision, Donna bella Milan and many more on the list.
Many celebrities like Paris Hilton, Raquel Welch and Jessica Simpson not only wear hair extension products but also actively participate in its marketing.

Health care is among the most corrupt services in India

Sanjay Kumar, New Delhi
The health service is the most corrupt service sector in India, as gauged by people’s actual experiences, according to a new survey released by the India office of the international non-governmental organisation Transparency International. It ranks India as one of the 30 most corrupt countries in the world.
The survey, conducted with private marketing research company ORG-Marg Research, interviewed some 5000 citizens in a household survey to assess the public’s perception of corruption. It covered 10 sectors with a direct bearing on people’s lives, including education, health, the police, the judiciary, and power utilities.
While the respondents rated the police as the most corrupt sector, followed by health, power, and education, the impact of corruption is on a much larger scale in the health and education sectors, says the report. A quarter of the respondents had paid bribes for health services, compared with 18% in the power sector.
Payment to staff to gain admission to hospital is the commonest corrupt practice in health care. Such payments are higher in southern India. "The key actors leading to corruption in this sector across zones are allegedly doctors (77%) followed closely by hospital staff (67%)," says the report.
"These revelations are a cause of serious concern for the whole country, as two thirds of the 19.3 million public servants are involved in these 10 sectors, said R H Tahiliani, chairman of Transparency International in India. The impact of corruption on the poor is profound, given their lower earnings, although the total amount paid is higher among the rich, says the report.
"The fact that money is being demanded directly and openly by the corrupt is a clear indication that the corrupt persons are confident that no worthwhile action will be taken against them," said Transparency International. It advocates adoption of instruments such as citizens’ charters, people’s ombudsmen in government departments, and greater use of e-technology.

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VMC Behavioral HealthCare Services Global provider of employee assistance, work/life, and managed behavioral healthcare programs. VMC's EAP is uniquely designed to provide companies the opportunity to help employees resolve the wide array of personal problems that arise in the workplace. In assisting employees resolve their problems, EAP's maximize job performance, reduce absenteeism, and decrease the use of medical benefits - [Read more about VMC Behavioral HealthCare Services]
Kids Health
Kids Health has an assortment of recipes for kids to try out for themselves (some require the help of an adult.) There is a variety of foods to choose from and each has detailed instructions as well as nutritional facts. This website also has special recipes for children with diseases including diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and lactose intolerance. - [Read more about This site has tons of recipes for kids and parents to try out together. From smoothies to snacks to baked goods, this site has recipes of all kinds. It is not only recipes though. It provides many tips for parents on how to teach their kids to cook as well as how to get them to try new things. The recipes for picky eaters really stand out because many kids don't like to eat healthy foods such as vegetables. The recipes in that section find ways to stealthily get children to eat their veggies. This is the official site for the popular children's tv show, Zoom. It contains many recipes for snacks, drinks, main courses and desserts. Many of the recipes are the ones that were aired in some episodes of the show. A lot of these recipes are very unique and fun, but at the same time nutritious. Examples include fruit pizza, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and bunny salad. Visit a virtual West Cork village and learn about food. Includes the food pyramid and food labels, facts from around the world, movies about how foods are made, and games and puzzles. A good collection of recipes specially for kids including cookies, desserts, breakfasts and drinks. A list nutrition based recipes for kids. - [Read more about Classroom cooking where kindergarten students can experience cooking, first hand with single serving recipes. Could be used to keep children busy on a rainy day. Pediatrician's guide to children's health and safety. Includes parenting advice and online forum, baby name finder, and information on immunization, nutrition, growth, and development. - Accompanies the public television series for ages 8 to 18, with recipes from both seasons and a video of one entire show. The Children's Nutrition Research Center (CNRC) is dedicated to defining the nutrient needs of children, from conception through adolescence, and the needs of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Scientific data from the Center will enable healthcare providers and policy advisors to make dietary recommendations that will improve the health of today's children and that of generations to come. UK organisation to improve the nutrition of school meals, providing news, information, guidance, resources, resources and research. - [Read more about Answers kids' questions on health issues, and recommends ways to make their bodies and minds healthier, stronger, and safer. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A very nice document, from abelard, on the relationship between loud noise and ear damage, with particular reference to young people and loud music. - [Read more about Kid'sRecipes.aspx Sample recipes from the "Kid's Recipes for Success" cookbook, with which children can be encouraged to learn and enjoy basic cooking concepts. This website is providing information to improve children's heart health by lowering cholesterol and heart disease risk through diet and nutrition.
A website devoted to fun recipes for kids including holiday and seasonal recipes, food for picky eaters, snacks, and treats. Easy and delicious recipes.
Her or him Easy to understand recipes are fun to make but they can also be used to introduce children to basic math skills, reading and comprehension.
A resource for parents, teachers and healthcare professionals who work with children who have anxiety disorders. Maintains a list of suggested readings and a treatment provider database.
This site has guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents. Focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, development, and growth of children and teens. -
You can find information about health issues important to teens and health services available from many health and social service agencies in the Mahoning Valley.
This website is having very good resources, web links, and references which is related to parents, friends, and families of children who have or had childhood cancer. - [Read more about
The Association of Junior Leagues International offers tasty and nutritious recipes, with difficulty levels on each, to identify when adult supervision is needed.
Recipes children can make and enjoy, including seasonal recipes. This another website brought to you by We love to put together recipes for kids. -
you can learn why milk is important with games, puzzles, mazes, and stories. Download a coloring book or a booklet with meal and snack ideas. (Downloads require Adobe Reader.
This organization gives adolescent girls reliable, current health information. The site focuses on adolescent girls' health concerns and motivates girls to choose healthy behaviors. -
For adolescents and educational institutions. Informative health topics regarding tobacco and drug use, high risk behavior fact sheets, and tools and strategies for providing healthy environments in schools.
This website is sharing information on school performance problems, weight management, scoliosis, puberty, short stature, smoking, drinking, and building self esteem. -
This website shares ways through which young people learn everything they need to know about growing up, and families learn how to talk about it. -
An article by Russell Scheffer, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, who is studying the effects of medications on bipolar children. site which is having very good information on specific childhood cancers including an annotated directory of related links.
Free site featuring the Traffic Light Diet, links to Dr. John La Puma's recipes and resources, and current medical research on treating and preventing pediatric obesity. - [Read more about
This site is having diet resources, weight loss tips, and information on the psychological impact of obesity on teens and what parents can be able to do to help their children. - [Read more about
foodforthought/0207.html Recipes for Pyramid Yogurt Sundae and Stuffed Apple, as well as games to play to learn the Food Pyramid, and fun exercices to keep children fit. Article from the University of Illinois Extension.
Recipes that you and your children can make together. Tips on how to put kids to work helping with family meals in a safe, clean, and fun way.
Information resources, workshops, and products on building resilience in children and teens. Includes several publications on this strength-based approach to education, prevention and treatment of mental illness.
Provides evaluations and treatment plans for children with a variety of developmental disabilities and associated learning and behavioural difficulties. Located in County Wexford, Ireland.
Helping victims of mind control. Defines a cult - stating not all are religion based. Links to cult awareness groups and resources. Steven Hassan, author of Combatting Cult Mind Control. -

Working to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families, and communities throughout the United States.
program established by the United States Department of Agriculture to help implement the School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children. Offers recipe and meal planning resources, reports, food safety information, discussion groups, and a directory of chefs willing to volunteer at schools.
Designed to help the transition from pediatric to adult health care for adolescents with special health care needs. This site is a resource for information, materials, and links.
Abstinence Wait-training And Relationship Education offers information for teens on healthy sexual behavior. Includes abstinence, sexually transmitted diseases, FAQs, and answers to personal questions by email. -
Dedicated to educating and empowering adolescents to make responsible decisions regarding their wellness, sexuality, and reproductive health. Ask questions, health facts for teens and parents
Provides health and mental health services to young men and women, ages 11-21, general health information, support and advice for the young adult and their family.

T his website is delivering very good information provided about pediatric cancers, treatments, prevention, resources, clinical trials, statistics, testing, and screening.
Good nutrition related information for parents and children. offering classes and workshops, nutrition consulting, cooking demonstrations, recipe development, food and nutrition writing. - Diaries of four fictional teenagers touched by mental illness. Factsheets, helpline, and information on mental illness including schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Articles and parenting tips on newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool age, school age and adolescent children.

Children with Epilepsy Benefit from Massage Therapy

What are Epilepsy and Seizures?
For children having seizures or Epilepsy can be frightening, and even more so for parents who witness the seizure. When a child experiences a seizure the first thing that needs to be done is to try and ascertain a diagnosis. There are different types of pediatric seizures a child may experience.As defined by E Medicine Health; a seizure occurs when the brain functions abnormally, resulting in a change in movement, attention, or level of awareness. Different types of seizures may occur in different parts of the brain and may be localized (affect only a part of the body) or widespread (affect the whole body). Seizures may occur for many reasons, especially in children. Seizures in newborns may be very different than seizures in toddlers, school-aged children, and adolescents. Epilepsy refers to a pattern wherein seizures occur over a long period. Thirty percent of children diagnosed with epilepsy continue to have repeated seizures into adulthood, while others improve over time.Treatment for Seizures and EpilepsyThe first consideration of treatment for children affected by seizure disorders in most cases is medication. It is often recommended that the medication prescribed be started when the healthcare provider recognizes that there is a significant likelihood that additional seizures will occur and that the seizures will cause potential harm. This is best predicted by healthcare providers when they have had a chance to determine the identity of the seizure type and epilepsy.Benefit of Massage and Alternative TherapiesCurrently, many healthcare practitioners are also exploring the benefits of using alternative based therapies in their treatment of children with seizures. There have been many studies which have found that more than 50% of people experience declines in seizure frequency with the use of relaxation techniques such as massage therapy.Although, not caused by stress specifically, many seizure disorders and epilepsy could likely be decreased, or in essence children may have fewer attacks, when their levels of stress and tension are reduced. Research findings have demonstrated that massage therapy helps decrease stress and promotes relaxation, a possible trigger of some seizures.Parent and Caregiver ConsiderationsAs a parent you will want to find a massage therapist who is qualified to treat children. A practitioner trained in Pediatric Massage Therapy should possess the background to properly use methods of touch therapy for children with seizure disorders.When choosing an alternative therapy provider, or massage therapist, it is important to consider the following:- Be sure to discuss the alternative therapy with your child's healthcare provider prior to their receiving alternative treatment.- Be sure to discuss child's epilepsy, or seizure disorder, with the massage or alternative therapist prior to the child receiving any treatment.- Take care to notice any side effects following an alternative therapy, check with your child's massage or alternative therapist, and healthcare provider immediately.- Do not allow your child to stop taking his/her anti-epileptic medication suddenly, or alter the dosage of medication, without the guidance of your child's healthcare provider.- Use care and caution with the use of herbal and alternative medication. Herbs may have harmful, rather than helpful, effects if not administered properly. Always consult your healthcare provider prior to introducing any herbal treatment for your child.

Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Health: Mental Health: Counselling Services

Counselling, counselling supervision and specialist training in Sudbury, Suffolk and across the UK. Specialisms / training include: Domestic Violence Awareness Training, facilitated support programmes, resources and media based tools
Resources for only children of all ages. International conference, workshops, therapy, message board, information and links for adult onlies and parents of only children.
The Being Centre Counselling offers a confidential space to explore and understand your individual circumstances and experiences.
Association's site, for professionals and the general public, aimed at developing the professionalism of practitioners and educating the public, whilst also promoting the profession and the practitioners.
Organisation which provides professional development and support for members, site also promotes practitioners in the south London area through a directory of members.
Information for the general public and professional art therapists. Includes qualifications required, training courses, conferences and events.
Cam Ymlaen delivers a range of employment/training opportunities for people who have a mental health problem working with llandrillo college, C&D NHS Trust and Conwy County Council
Care First - Organisation offering counselling related services to public and private work sectors, from Employee Assistance Programmes to Stress Audits and Performance Management. One page site describes services, including 24 hour phone line, lists signs of stress at work and contact details.
The Clarendon Practice - Counselling and psychotherapy services based in Leamington Spa. All therapists are NHS experienced. Training, supervision, consultancy and education in psychology also available.
Clinical Psychology Direct - Psychological consultations available on-line, by telephone and face to face at a range of price options. Includes terms, costs, and FAQ.
C.O.P.E. Scotland : Suicide, Mental Illness, Stress - Caring Over People’s Emotions (C.O.P.E.) is a registered charity supporting people aged 16 and over who suffer from mental illness or mental and emotional distress in the West Glasgow Community Planning Area, Scotland, UK..
Counselling Centre - Site describes facilities and rooms for hire at centre in Milton Keynes, room bookings timetable and current seminars on offer.
Counselling Service - Offers counselling services in Peterborough and online, for a wide variety of issues. Describes her qualifications, fees, and contact details.
Counselling Services - A resource listing officially accredited counsellors in the UK, with descriptions of the main counselling approaches used by most counsellors.
The Counselling Society - Professional body for counsellors, psychotherapists and talking therapists. Provides support and accreditation for counsellors and to accredited training schools, and engages in issues of regulation and national standards.
Creative Counselling - Epsom based practitioner Gina Langridge's site, provides help choosing a UK counsellor, also includes information about counselling, for clients and counsellors.
Cross Associates Training. - Company offering personalised training programmes in anger resolution, stress management, self esteem, emotional literacy, assertiveness techniques.
Dilemma Consultancy in Human Relations - Provides counselling and psychotherapy at centre in Sheffield, business consultancy and training throughout the UK and Europe, all from existential perspective. Links to Centre for the Study of Conflict and Resolution and New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling. Various documents, including Asperger's Syndrome.
Ellesmere Therapy and Training Centre - Ellesmere Centre is a UK therapy and training establishment in Hull. Offering a range of counselling and psychotherapy services and a full training programme for therapists.
Face2face Counselling Ltd - Provides professional, tailored and monitored counselling across the UK, for a range of personal problems, by assisting you to find the right practitioner.
Hazel Bradish - Experienced therapist, working with couples and individuals with relationship and sexual issues. Based in Birmingham.
Ipswich Concern Counselling Centre - Detailed site describing long and short term counselling on offer, issues tackled and approach. A registered charity which also runs Westminster Pastoral Foundation approved training courses in counselling. Links to accrediting organisations.
John Ramsay - Description of Edinburgh based person-centred counselling service for teachers and lecturers.
KaDe Counselling Services - Based in Ipswich, Suffolk. Offers either one to one or group counselling. Explains counselling, the approach, and the counsellor's biography.
Lindum College - Accredited Training College, based in Lincoln, for Counsellor Training by Classroom Training and Distance Learning. Also Stress Management Training, CBT training, and workshops for Coaching, Anger Management, Bereavement and EFT. Information: courses workshops and contact details.
Listen2You - Offers online professional counselling. Provides information on the service, the qualifications of the counsellors, the issues covered and an FAQ.
London North Counselling - Counselling psychotherapy by Sue Goode in North London. Provides telephone counselling. Includes services, contact details and fees.
Marriage Care Hallam - Registered charity offering professional relationship counselling. Network comprises 64 centres in major towns across England and Wales. Includes links to other agencies.
Men's Therapy Online - Specialist counseling service for men by email or telephone. Group therapy weekends in Manchester and London. Information about Phil Tyson, Ph.D., the services offered, fees and availability, and a FAQs.
Mind Matters - Description of nationwide stress management and counselling services to companies and inviduals.
Neuro Linguistic Psychotherapy and Counselling Association - NLPtCA is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to developing and promoting the use of NLP in therapeutic and counselling settings.
OCST Online Counselling Services & Training - Online Counselling, Counselling Supervision, Supervision and Counselling Training Services based in the UK. Counsellor/Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer providing service to clients, counsellors, and students.
Online Counselling - Therapeutic Counselling either online, by telephone or in person. All subjects and issues are covered in the strictest confidence by a highly qualified psycho-therapist.
Online counselling Supervision - Counseling consultancy and training services provided by Jane Evans MA- BACP. Find details about the online counseling services offered, courses, and training and assessment. UK based.
Outlook South West - Independent agency providing psychologists to GP surgeries in Devon and Cornwall. Information for prospective clients, on common mental health disorders, self help reading list and edited links to relevant mental health resource sites.
Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist, London - Details of Dermod Moore's practice and contact details in SE1.
Psychotherapy for women - Counselling and psychotherapy for women from black and ethnic minority communities, refugees, asylum seekers, young women, disabled women and women on low incomes. Information: Counsellor Referral Services, contact details and fees.
Psychotherapy in Scotland - Details of independent and NHS practice of Dr Douglas McFadzean, information about psychotherapy, quotations, email and guestbook.
Psychotherapy Referral Service - Group of experienced therapists working in South and West London explain their consultation service for those considering entering psychotherapy.
Real Changes - Information on neuro-linguistic programming, solution-focused counselling and clinical hypnotherapy and details of Lauretta Wilson's practice in East London.
Reality Therapy UK - Details of the practice, principles and philosophy of reality therapy and choice theory, with information about the personal and business counselling services available.
Relate - Counselling, sex therapy and relationship education supporting couple and family relationships throughout life. 2,500 professionally trained counsellors listed by region with maps, 90 UK centres plus British Forces in Germany. Includes aspects of the service, work opportunities and news. Telephone helpline, advice online, mediation, training, and books.
RS Counselling - Information on counselling, confidentiality and contact details for personal counselling in South London/Surrey areas. Links.
RSCPP - Your Therapy Options - Therapist Introduction Service - Connecting people with therapists across the UK.
Sheehan Brooke Counselling Services - Description of services to individuals, companies, training and supervision throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
Solution Focused Trainers - Providing Solution Focused training, consultancy and supervision throughout the UK. We share over 50 years experience delivering Solution Focused training and many more years working in Solution Focused practice.
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust - Provides mental health and substance misuse services to people from Croydon, Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. Specialist services to people from across the UK. Services and jobs.
Stroud Counselling - A telephone and face-to-face counseling service for men and women, with Kim Richardson an experienced counsellor, in Stroud, Gloucestershire. Find details about the therapist, a FAQs and contact information.
Surrey Counselling and Psychotherapy Initiative (SCPi) - Provides information on psychotherapy, counselling, and practitioners in the Surrey area.
Sussex Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice - A consultative team of practitioners outline their range of counselling, psychology and psychotherapy services.
Systemic Psychotherapist - Details of practitioner's practice in South London, for individuals, couples, families and groups with relationship problems. Also survivors of traumatic experiences, those suffering depression, bereavement and other major losses.
Telos Training - Provide training and development programmes with a particular focus on Mental Health, including social inclusion, work with older people with mental health problems, spirituality ,values and ethics based practice.
Therapeutic Counselling - Andrea Rickman offers a counselling service for individuals based in Christchurch and Bournemouth, Dorset. Information: services, contact details and fees.
Therapy For The Soul - Psychotherapy Services - Richard Cross provides information on his practice that includes hypno-psychotherapy, post traumatic stress, dissociative, and conduct disorders. Located in Scotland.
Tony McGregor - Practitioner offering counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy based in Newbury, Berkshire. Includes information on each and issues tackled.
Training and Consultancy in Solution Focused Brief Therapy (deShazer '85) - Specialists in training Solution Focused Brief Therapy as a front-line approach in Social Services, Education, Mental Health and Criminal Justice.
Trans-form Psychotherapy - Provides online and telephone based transpersonal psychotherapy based in Reading.
The UK & Ireland Directory of Counselling and Psychotherapy - Directory of counsellors and psychotherapists searchable by area, location, postal district, name or postcode.
The UK Directory of Counselling and Psychotherapy - Directory of counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK.
UK Therapists Directory - Lists counsellors and psychotherapists. Search facility to identify practitioner of chosen discipline in local area.
Westminster Pastoral Foundation Counselling & Psychotherapy - A national network which counsels individuals and groups. Includes information about London services and training of psychotherapists at introductory and professional level, counselling in companies, news and network of affiliates.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Beverages May Be Fatal to Your Diet

How many times do you go to the kitchen, grab a glass and fill it with your favorite beverage? Yes - me too! It's something that we all do. But do you ever ponder how much liquid that the glass holds? One cup, two cups, three cups or more? If the glass holds three cups and you're drinking grape juice, that healthy tidbit is probably costing over 400 calories if it's the typical 160-calories per 8 ounce variety. Here are a few tips that may help:
- 1 cup equals 8 ounces
- Measure out 1 cup of water and pour into your favorite glass. This will provide an idea of how far you need to fill your glass for future needs.
- A smaller one-cup glass will make you feel like you're enjoying more as it can be filled to the rim.
- Opt for fruit over juice to save calories while dieting, as well as skim dairy products over full-blown. The added perk is an extra burst of calcium intake.
Smacking Snacks for Weight Loss
Those little candy jars that you may pass at work that reside on your thin-coworkers desk may be responsible for a stall in weight loss. Every little calorie adds up to create big calories. A small candy treat may contain up to 40 calories per pop. Enjoy 3 and you could have enjoyed a banana and a plum.
In Summary
Although weight loss plateaus are notorious for creating pockets of slow weight loss when dieting, an overage of calorie-consumption is typically the culprit. Keep close tabs on serving sizes - particularly beverages, and retain control when it comes to snack time. Get into the Great Outdoors and tell those stored calories to 'Burn Baby Burn!"
If these weight loss tips and suggestions do not appear to be the culprit of your stalled weight loss, please see your doctor as there are many hidden medical conditions that could be contributing factors.

Weight Loss Takes Time to Register on the Scales

Right now, we are in the foes of summer - but not Mother Nature. While summer thrives, she is busy creating the new autumn. Even if we look closely, we are unable to see the subtle changes that are occurring minute-by-minute. Such is weight loss.
While dieting, it takes a while for the body to process all the good foods and beverages that we're putting into it, as well as our healthier level of activity. Unless it has been 2 weeks without a budge in your weight, try to be patient. If you're doing all the right things and it's been more than 2 weeks since you've experienced a drop in weight, you may be stranded on the notorious Weight Loss Plateau.

"I Can't Lose Weight. What am I Doing Wrong

If you've been watching your daily diet and your weight loss scales appear viciously resistant, let's try to sleuth-out the culprit. There's nothing as frustrating as doing everything possible to drop pounds to see zero results.

Smacking Snacks for Weight Loss

Those little candy jars that you may pass at work that reside on your thin-coworkers desk may be responsible for a stall in weight loss. Every little calorie adds up to create big calories. A small candy treat may contain up to 40 calories per pop. Enjoy 3 and you could have enjoyed a banana and a plum.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

weight control

If you are overweight, you are not alone. Sixty-six percent of adults in the U.S. are overweight . Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.
Eating too much or not being physically active enough will make you overweight. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat. A weight-control strategy might include
Choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods
Eating smaller portions
Drinking water instead of sugary drinks
Being physically active

Lose Weight

To lose weight and keep it off we need to find the right balance of healthy eating, exercise, and work and family life.Below are links to the most relevant sections of this site dealing specifically with losing weight including our articles, weight loss directory, resources, quizzes, healthy recipes, weight loss forum, exercise charts, food charts, home workouts, food diaries, weight loss success stories and more.

Fitness: Exercises, Fitness & Nutrition, and Fitness Articles

13 Aug 2009 ... After many hours of struggling you have at last managed to constrict yourself on your tightest, sexiest pair of denims.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Reasons To Lose Weight

If you are overweight then you're constantly reminded every time you look in the mirror, however being overweight isn't about just looking bad it's really about bad health. When you pack on those pounds they can also pack on physical organ and metabolic stress which causes disease and premature aging. When you are sitting at rest you may not even think about being overweight, however once you engage in strenuous activities organs like the heart and lungs have to work harder to supply your cells with oxygen. When this happens you get tired, short of breath or you may even have a heart attack! The more extra weight on your body the harder it is for your organs to do their job.Here are 2 health risks attributed to being overweight:* Cancer - Statistics have shown then people who are overweight have almost double the amount of cancerous cells in their body than people who are in a healthy weight range. Cancer thrives in low oxygen environments and obese people have more of these environments in their bodies. Why? Extra fat tissue causes a reduction in blood flow (blood carries o2 to tissues) and lowers lung/heart capabilities, thus giving way to a low o2 environment.* Type II Diabetes - If you've developed Type II Diabetes then you're probably already aware that you're overweight. In fact an astonishing 80% of those who are obese will develop this deadly form of diabetes. I say deadly, because if Type II Diabetes is not managed properly it will kill you. Obesity isn't just about looking bad, it can be a silent killer