Saturday, August 22, 2009


Although some men, particularly athletes, might be asked to gain weight to enhance their physical performance, men typically do not find themselves in situations where there is a biological vulnerability to gaining weight. Hence, the tendency is that weight gain in men is a slower process. Forty-one percent of the men participating in a survey of Weight Watchers Online subscribers reported that they gained their weight slowly. The landscape of weight gain for men appears to be shifting, however, and the factor that separates the men from the boys is age. For guys who are part of or older than the baby boom generation, a weight gain related to smoking cessation is much more likely than it is for younger men.
Conversely, men in their twenties and thirties are significantly more likely than their elders to gain weight as a result of getting married, going away to college, starting a new job, and having children. When it comes to times in the life cycle when men gain weight, it appears that younger men have more in common with women than do older men. While there may be many reasons for that, such as fewer differences in the way gender roles are now defined by society, the news is not good for today’s young men insofar as weight is concerned.With the rates of overweight and obesity among men on the rise, it’s not good that they are putting on the pounds at a younger age than their fathers did.

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